
Basic Policy for Technological Development

The KASAI Group aims to create moving space
from a total standpoint of cabin space
as an automobile interior parts system supplier.

Environment Attraction/Comfort Safety

While users' interests in safety and environment, and motorization in the emerging nations have been increasing, automobile parts manufacturers are expected to have higher and wider range of technical capabilities.

The KASAI Group is working on improving the performance of products such as cabin trim, luggage trim and noise insulation parts as interior trim system supplier. Also we are working toward developing products and technologies to support the next generation car based on the three themes of "Environment," "Safety" and "Attraction / Comfort" from a total viewpoint of car interior to produce
forward-thinking, high-value-added products.

Development・Production System

KASAI has production bases all over the world, and has development functions to meet needs of regions and customers. We continue to provide products that create new value for automobile interior and exterior parts with a development system that handles everything from product design to production and a globally unified and strengthened production system to provide products that satisfy our customers.